Verify the LED charging phase. If the yellow/green LED is on, the charger is in “ALARM SELECTION” state.
Please adjust the suitable battery selection, as indicated in the ZIVAN manual.
Verify the charger is equipped with the Start Stop Software option. If so, make sure that the battery voltage value corresponds to the charger features (i.e. Battery 80V nominal V/el > 1,7V, 40 elements x 1,7V/el = 68V).
Check the battery voltage on +/- poles and near the power battery cable clamps. Both values must be same. Any difference can mean a false contact. This test should be done when the charger is switched off and then repeated with the charger switched on. If the values are correct, verify the output fuse integrity using a digital tester.
Select the diodes function and check (when the battery is disconnected) the diode’s presence between the power cables, in order to exclude any open circuit. If the failure persists please contact ZIVAN’s Assistance Service.
First verify the charger is equipped with the Start Stop Software option. If not, make sure that the battery voltage value corresponds to the charger features (i.e. Battery 80V, charger 48V).
When matching, please check the battery voltage on +/- poles and near the power battery cable clamps. Both values must be same. Any difference can mean a false contact. This test should be done with the charger switched off and then repeated with the charger on. If values are correct, verify the output fuse integrity using a digital tester.
Select the diodes function and check (when battery is disconnected) the diode’s presence between the power cables, in order to exclude any open circuit. If failure persists please contact ZIVAN’s Assistance Service.